This and That

Archive for the ‘Business’ Category

For over a month I have been posting five days a week with daily themes and have really enjoyed the challenge, but I am going to change things up starting next week. I will be focusing on topics that really matter to me, that peak my interest, and topics I want to share with you.  For example, I am still planning on writing Money Mondays but will probably write about money others days as well, since it is a topic I am very on fire about right now.

So stay tuned for the change in the wind next week and see what new material I come up with.

I leave you with my cute, sweetie pie who had his first day of preschool yesterday. Isn’t he so big?? Tear!

As a child I had a hard time apologizing. I was too proud and I didn’t want to admit I was wrong. This  inevitable created a worse situation for myself. There was tension, loss of trust, and more likely than not a punishment.

When I started in the workforce I finally learned the value of saying I’m sorry. At work mistakes happen, and for me they usually happened everyday. But I realized the quicker I apologized the faster the situation would  be defused, the sooner I would be forgiven, and everyone could move on from the mistake and start focusing on the solution. I learned it’s really hard to stay mad at someone when they admit their faults and apologize.

In fact, I learned this so well I would apologize for things that weren’t my fault. If the client was upset by something totally out of my control or about something that had nothing to do with me, I would just apologize and miraculously they would feel better. The client knew it wasn’t my fault but having someone apologize just makes people feel better.

I try and teach this lesson to my boys. Just say you’re sorry. If my older son pushes his little brother down, say you’re sorry. If my younger son hits his older brother with a train track (yes a train track!), say you’re sorry. There is usually a hug involved with the sorry and a punishment most likely follows, but by apologizing the boys are mending their relationship and healing hurt feelings.

Admit your faults and be humble. God loves a humble heart.

Check out the video below of my boys practicing this lesson and acting SUPER adorable!!

Social Media is taking over traditional marketing, advertising, customer service, and public relation mediums. It is the fastest, most efficient and effective way to increase connection and move information, if used correctly. By used correctly I mean that there needs to be at least one full-time social media specialist on your company’s Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., at all times. A company can’t half-ass their social media presence and think it will make a difference. Information moves too fast, conversation ends too quickly in the internet world, and if you are not there to comment, direct, advise, sell, or dispute you will have missed your opportunity and the consumer will be off to buy products from your competitor.

Check out these statistics if you need more convincing:

  • Twitter has 175 million registered users
  • Facebook has 1/2 billion users and 50% of users use their accounts each day. That’s 175 million users every 24 hours. 65 million users access Facebook from their smart phones.
  • LinkedIn has 100 million users

My hubby has been doing social media for a little scooter company located here in southern California. Maybe you have heard of them. Does Razor ring a bell? I thought it might. It has been such an amazing experience for him to put his social media experience and knowledge to work at a fun, successful company.

Recently Razor teamed up with BlogCrush (a group of vocal local bloggers ) at The Great Park in Irvine for some fun in the sun with scooters. They put together a powerful duo of social media and the blogging world to get the word out about their fantastic products.

It was a family affair which made it doubly special and let me tell you the kids had so much fun. Besides getting to test drive the traditional Razors, there was also the three-wheeled Razor, which is the perfect scooter to teach young kids balance and the multitasking of pushing off one foot and directing the scooter with the other.  Our little man had such a great time riding it and really got the hang of it quickly. He’s so athletic!

The Razor eSpark electric-power scooter was also there and was definitely the most popular scooter for the older kids and adults. It actually goes 10 mph and creates sparks when the back pedal is pushed down. Because of the speed only kids 8 and up can ride it which was kind-of a bummer for our little man but I was secretly relieved.

The hot ticket item of the event was the new, not-yet-released water gun called the Vapor Atlas 250. Now this thing was cool. It shoots out its ammo in gel balls the size of a small marble. They don’t hurt, which I know about first hand when little man shot me in the side of my forehead.  Thanks honey. When they explode it leaves no water trace behind. The gel evaporates instantly. It’s the perfect water gun for moms due to the no clean up. See below. Very cool.

The Razor team also put on a scavenger hunt and gave away 6 Razor products to the winners.  And in true social media and blogging fashion all the hints for the prize locations were given out via Twitter. The prizes were all over The Great Park, so needless to say besides getting a lot of exercise the kids got to know The Great Park really well.

Throughout the whole event, which lasted from 6:30-8:30pm, hubby and the bloggers were tweeting and posting Facebook posts. And here’s a little bit of information you will only  hear on this post (since I am in good with the social media specialist ). With the amount of tweeting and posts, the event reached over 100K people. 100K people in two hours! Isn’t that amazing! That is the power of social media and the blogging world.

Social media connects with more people faster than any other traditional outlet can. It’s global reach can’t be compared with and if time is devoted to it by a professional, social media can change the advertising, marketing, customer service, and public relations landscape of any company.

If you are interested to see all the excitement at the event search #parkrazorcrush on Twitter. If you want to learn more about Razor and their amazing products go to and like the Razor page on Facebook and Twitter account.

You can also connect with hubby at or on Twitter at adam_thedad.
